Presentations & Talks

Title Date Location File
Innovative Computing 2018 Heidelberg University [PDF]
Synthese digitaler Schaltungen 2014 Konstanz University of Applied Sciences [PDF]
On-chip optical detectors in standard CMOS SOI 2014 Konstanz University of Applied Sciences [PDF]
The Vector Wave Propagation Method 2011 Heidelberg University [PDF-German]
Hybrid modelling and control of a brine heater 2001 University of Mannheim [PDF][PDF-German]
Kinematic model of the Rocky VII mars rover 2000 University of Mannheim [PDF]

C/C++, Delphi, CUDA

Title File
Recursive sine calculus (C/C++) [.cpp]
Optimization of boolean equations w/ Quine McCluskey (C) [.tar][.pdf (German)]
Client-Server C-socket (C) [.tar]
Vector Wave Propagation Method for 64-bit Windows (Delphi) [.exe]
Scalar Beam and Wave Propagation Method for 64-bit Linux (C++/QT) [.bin]
2D Scalar Wave Propagation Method on NVIDIA GPU for 64-bit Linux (C/CUDA) [.bin] (tested on a GTX670)
3D Scalar Wave Propagation Method on NVIDIA GPU for 64-bit Linux (C/CUDA) [.bin] (tested on a GTX670)

Codes for Matlab, MEEP and Cadence SKILL, Verilog HDL compilation

Title File
VERIGEN, a Verilog code generator for UMAs (binary, example) [.tar]
Learning memory (.m-files) [.tar]
Neural Network (.m-files) [.tar]
Kinematic control of a robot (.m-files) [.tar]
Field at focal distance of perfect asphere w/ Debye Theory (.m-files) [.tar]
Ray propagation with the ABCD matrix (.m-files) [.tar]
Intensity analysis of Fabry Perot resonators (.m-files) [.tar]
Scalar WPM and BPM (.m-files) [.tar]
Solving scattering problems with the FDTD (.m-files) [.tar]
Waveguide with MEEP (FDTD solver) [.tar]
Bend with MEEP (FDTD solver) [.tar]
Resonator with MEEP (FDTD solver) [.tar]
Holey waveguide with MEEP (FDTD solver) [.tar]
SOI detector example layouts w/ SKILL [.tar]

Simple VHDL examples

Title File
Register [.tar]
Counter [.tar]
D Latch [.tar]
JP Flip Flop [.tar]
Clock Generator [.tar]